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Earn yourself £100 - WHOOP | Wedding Photography

Earn yourself a night out on me, or half a night out - depends how much you drink.

Anyway, there's like thousands of emails flying around about this GDPR stuff.  So while everyone's in a state of panic I thought I'd introduce a bit of something not to panic over.

So what's the big idea?  I'll be honest, I have random ideas, not big ideas but they usually turn out to be bloody brilliant ideas so it's all good.  Here's the deal - if you recommend someone to have me as their wedding photographer by tagging them in this post on facebook or commenting on this particular blog bit, and they then end up booking me because you were being a good egg, you earn yourself £100 to go out and do whatever you want with.

Now - remember, these people have to book and pay a deposit I'm not just throwing money around willy nilly, and they have to mention your name when they contact me, and I need to be able to see you've actually tagged someone before they get in touch with me - no cheatsies please!.  Yeah there's rules.

Sooooo, what are you waiting for? Share and tag some people and get yourself some money for not doing a lot.  Tell them to watch the video below so they know what they're in for, it saves me having to explain myself ;) 

And, I won't even end this offer, it'll stand forever (or until I delete it at least)

This doesn't apply to people who've already booked (sorry)

You're welcome


See this gallery in the original post