Wedding Photography | Knowing what people want @ The Belle Epoque, Cheshire

When the registrar says "Why aren't you doing a signing picture?" 

"because they don't want any of that stuff" 

"but they must have one"  

"no they mustn't"  

"yes they should, here I'll arrange everyone for you if you're uncomfortable doing it"  

"honestly there's no need"  

and then they were arranged, looking rather wtf is going on

"I'm telling you they don't want anything posed"  

"nonsense, everyone loves pictures like this"  

...looking at their faces  "not everyone" 

"just take the picture you might as well everyone's there now"  

"OK, sounds like a great idea, you're absolutely right, I've no idea why I didn't think of it" 

If one of your biggest fears is having to pose or feeling like you're having your picture taken constantly - don't worry I've got your back.  

I don't do posed, I won't make you feel awkward, I won't interrupt your day for pictures.